IBM Interview Experience| And Placement Procedure.

IBM Interview Experience-

In 2019, IBM conducted a Nationwide recruitment drive for freshers. Here is the complete guide on How to crack IBM Placement Drive.

This article is contributed by Saurav Joshi, Placed at IBM pune.

If you follow all my suggestion then you can surely crack IBM Drive.

IBM Interview Experience Overview.


  • Graduation year 2020.
  • Degree- B.E/B.Tech/MCA/M.E/M.TECH.
  • CGPA-5.8 or 58%.
  • Branch- CS/IT/Robotics/EE/ECE/EIE/AEIE/EEE/ETE.
  • Designation – Associate System Engineer.
  • Compensation: For MTech- 4.65 lakhs per annum +INR 25000 for a one-time settlement allowance.
  • Compensation: For BTech/MCA- 4.25 lakhs per annum +INR 25000 for one-time settlement allowance.

Selection Criteria:

  1. Cognitive Ability Games(Cognify).
  2. Learning Agility Assessments.
  3. English Language Test.
  4. Coding Test.
  5. Interview(s).
    • Technical
    • HR

Round 1: Cognitive Ability Games(Cognify).

In this round we have to play games for 30 minutes, Yes you heard it correct we have to play games

There are total 7 games

  1. Shortcut
    • In this game we have to find the shortest distance to reach a destination.
  2. Gridlock
    • In this game, we have to fix the object in the grid.
  3. Reassemble
    • Reassemble is the game in which we have to mentally rotate the appeared image to a particular degree and click the correct answer after rotation.
  4. Numbubbles
    • In this game, a target number will be given and bubbles will appear we have to click number bubbles that correctly represent target number
  5. Tally up
    • We have to find out whether numbers in either window is greater equal or less.
  6. Proof it
    • Use to check candidate verbal knowledge

To know more how these games actually are click here

Round 2: Learning Agility Assessments

It was psychometric test, In this test we will be given assumption we have to agree, strongly agree, disagree or strongly disagree on those assumptions.

Same question will appears in twisted fashion so you have to stick to your previous answers.

Please be attentive and cautious while solving this test. Believe me its an elimination round.

Round 3: English Language Test

in this test question are on:

  • Synonyms and antonyms.
  • Sentence arrangement.
  • Find correct spellings.
  • Find meanings.
  • Basic grammar.

It is very easy to crack. If you want to prepare for it then I will suggest you go for Indiabix.

Round 4: Coding Test

In this round there were total 6 questions.

  • 1-Coding question(basic level question).
  • 5- Technical MCQ (Java,C++,OOPs concepts).

For coding question here is the link from where you can prepare.(click)

For MCQ visit sanfondry or examveda.

Round 5: Technical Interview.

In this round question were on.

  • Most of the questions were on resume, so prepare it well.
  • Tell me about yourself?
  • Your technical Skills?
  • What is Abstraction in java?
  • What is inheritance?
  • Basic java Question?
  • Basic Question your project?

IBM Interview Preparation Material

If you have basic conceptual knowledge of any language you can easily crack it.

Round 6: HR Round

This round was purely HR .

Question were on:

  • Tell me about yourself apart from resume?
  • Your Strength and Weakness?
  • Your Extracurricular activities?
  • Why IBM?
  • Family background?
  • Job offer if any.

Hope this article will help you, wishing you all the luck for your future!!!

Saurav Joshi

Placed @ IBM. Pune

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