Wipro Aptitude Test With Solved Answer (Quants).

Wipro Aptitude Test With Solved Answer

Wipro Quantitative Test Consists of following Section

Testing AreaNo of QuestionsTime Limit(minutes)
1. Quantitative Aptitude1616
2. Logical reasoning1414
3. Verbal Ability2525
4. Technical Questions1515
5. Essay Writing125

1. A godown has enough food for 120 labor for 42days. After 12 days, 30 new labours join the factory, now the food will last for how many days beginning with the day of arrival of new labours.  

  • a) 37.5 days.
  • b) 52.5 days.
  • c) 36 days.
  • d) 24 days.

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2. A train passes by a woman standing who stand still on the platform in 8 seconds and passes by the platform completely in 32 seconds. If the length of the platform is 270 meters, what is the length of the train?

  • a) 100 meters.
  • b) 90 meters.
  • c) 110 meters.
  • d) 120 meters.

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3. 10% gets deducted as House Rent Allowance from the salary of an officer, 15% he spends on Children’s education, 10% is spent on clothing. After his expenses officer is leftover with Rs 3780. Find his income.

  • a) 5600
  • b) 5620
  • c) 5500
  • d) 5610

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4. If Shyam cycles at 10km/hr, then he arrives at a certain destination at 1 pm. If Shyam cycles at a speed of 15km/hr, he will arrive at the same place at 11 a.m. At what speed he must cycle to reach there by noon?

  • a) 12 km/hr
  • b) 11 km/hr
  • c) 13 km/hr
  • d) 14 km/hr

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5. Price of Ashiwad atta has increased by 25%. What percentage of the reduction a family should be able to afford by using cooking oil so as not to raise expenses?

  • a) 10%
  • b) 15%
  • c) 20%
  • d) 25%

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6. A batsman in his 17th match score 87 runs and his average is increased by 3 runs. Find the average after 17th his match?

  • a) 33 runs
  • b) 35 runs
  • c) 36 runs
  • d) 39 runs

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7. HUL sells one product at a profit of 20% another at a loss of 20% at the same selling price. What is the loss incurred by HUL?

  • a) 1%
  • b) 2%
  • c) 3%
  • d) 4%

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8. A sum of Rs 950 is given 6 men, 8 women, and 6 children to complete a job. If their individual wages are in the ratio 4:3:2, the total money earned by the children is(in rupees)?

  • a) 160
  • b) 190
  • c) 220
  • d) 170

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9. Find net gain, If a man marks his goods 40% higher than the cost price and allows a discount of 20%?

  • a) 10%
  • b) 11%
  • c) 12%
  • d) 13%

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10. There are six bells in the school that commence tolling together and toll at intervals 2,4,6,8,10 and 12 seconds respectively. How many times they toll together in 30 hours?

  • a) 10 times.
  • b) 12 times
  • c) 15 times.
  • d) 16 times.

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11. The milk and water are in ratio 7 : 6 in a mixture When 15 liters of water are added to it, the ratio of milk and water in the new mixture becomes 7 : 9. The total quantity of water in the new mixture is:

  • a) 35 Liters.
  • b) 40 Liters.
  • c) 39 Liters.
  • d) 45 Liters.

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12. For 3 years a sum was put at a certain simple rate. if the sum had been put at 2% higher rate the rs 360 would be fetched more. Find the sum.

  • a) 4000 rs
  • b) 5000 rs
  • c) 6000 rs
  • d) 7000 rs

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13. The oranges in three baskets are in the ratio 3:4:5 the new ratio becomes 5:4:3 when the numbers of oranges in the first 2 basket increased,Find the ratio increased?

  • a) 3:4
  • b) 2:1
  • c) 2:3
  • d) 1:3

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Wipro Placement Preparation Guide.

14. On an escalator, it took me 30 seconds and 26 steps to reach the bottom. However, if I am able to step down 34 stairs I would only require 18 seconds to go to the bottom. Find the number of steps were there in escalator?

  • a) 20
  • b) 30
  • c) 45
  • d) 46

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