TCS NQT Verbal Ability Questions With Answers

TCS NQT Verbal Questions:

TCS NQT Verbal Ability Questions

Below are the few Questions(Q1-Q3), find out which part of the sentence that has an error. If there is no mistake mark your answer as ‘no error’

1. The house with all its(a) / gadgets and exotic plants (b) / were sold for Rs. 100,000$(c) / No error(d)

Answer: There is an error in (c).

2. A Doctor in the last century demonstrated(a) / dog will die(b) / if kept awake for more than five days(c) / No error(d)

Answer: There is an Error in (b).

3. The Cricket Match seemed_____ to our guests; They were used to watching sports in which action in over couples of hours at most.

  • a) unintelligible.
  • b) inconsequential.
  • c) interminable.
  • d) implausible

Answer: (c) interminable

4. Choose the pair which best demonstrate the same relationship to that expressed by the original pair.


  • a) triangle: hypotenuse
  • b) circle: arc
  • c) cathedral: nave
  • d) blossom: sepal

Answer: (a) Triangle: Hypotenuse.

5. Choose the alternative to replace the underlined part.

Great entrepreneurs always follow the carrot and stick policy.

  • a) far-seeking.
  • b) reward and punish.
  • c) profit-oriented.
  • d) adaptable

Answer: (b) reward and punish.

6. In each of the questions given below from the given options select the word which is farthest in meaning to the word given in the question.


  • a) mar
  • b) Fell
  • c) Pervert
  • d) split

Answer: (d) Split.

7. In each of the questions given below from the given options select the word which is closest in meaning to the word given in the question.


  • a) Outrageous.
  • b) Minor.
  • c) Secondary.
  • d) Wonderful.

Answer: (a) Outrageous.

8-13. Fill the blanks with suitable options

Unemployment is an issue that plagues almost every country.  When the number of jobs (a) ……. by the youth and others in a country exceeds the number of available jobs, it gives rise to unemployment. Unemployment has harmful effects on society and the economy of the country.

Unemployed persons are unable to meet their requirements of food, clothing, and shelter. The unemployed would form part of the poorer sections of society. With greater unemployment, there is greater poverty.

Without (b) ……… to nutritious food, the poor and unemployed become vulnerable to develop illnesses and diseases of malnutrition that may become fatal too.

Those who lack a livelihood, and are thus deprived of resources, may also lack access to hygiene and cleanliness that may make them (c) …….. to ill health.

Unemployed people are also liable to develop psychological conditions requiring medical attention.

With greater unemployment, there is an (d) ……..  in the number of homeless (e) ……..and street dwellers. Unemployment is also responsible for increased beggary.

When people are unable to satisfy their needs due to a lack of sufficient resources, they have no other way of begging (f)………

With increased unemployment, there is also a high rate of crime such as murder, rape, robbing, burglary, and cheating in society.

Option A

  • a) Demanded.
  • b) Demanding.
  • c) Demand.

Correct Answer : a) Demanded

Option B

  • a) Excess.
  • b) Access.
  • c) Excessive.

Correct Answer : (c)Excessive

Option C

  • a) Susceptible.
  • b) Object.
  • c) Subject.

Correct Answer: (c) Subject.

Option D

  • a) Rise
  • b) Increase
  • c) Grow.

Correct Answer: (c) Increase.

Option E

  • a) Person.
  • b) People.
  • c) Pupils.

Correct Answer: (b) People.

Option F

  • a) Accept.
  • b) Expect.
  • c) Omit.

Correct Answer: (b) Expect.

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