SQL Queries On Sailors Schema with Solutions

SQL Queries On Sailors Schema,

Consider following relational schema and write the relational algebra expressions for given queries.

Sailors(sid: integer, sname: string, rating: integer, age: real);
Boats(bid: integer, bname: string, color: string);
Reserves(sid: integer, bid: integer, day: date).

SQL> select * from sailors;

       SID SNAME                    RATING        AGE                           
---------- -------------------- ---------- ----------                           
        22 Dustin                        7         45                           
        29 Brutus                        1         33                           
        31 Lubber                        8       55.5                           
        32 Andy                          8       25.5                           
        58 Rusty                        10         35                           
        64 Horataio                      7         35                           
        71 Zorba                        10         16                           
        74 Horataio                      9         35                           
        85 Art                           3       25.5                           
        95 Bob                           3       63.5                           
10 rows selected.

SQL> select * from reserves;
       SID        BID DAY                                                       
---------- ---------- ---------                                                 
        22        101 10-OCT-98                                                 
        22        102 10-OCT-98                                                 
        22        103 08-OCT-98                                                 
        22        104 07-OCT-98                                                 
        31        102 10-NOV-98                                                 
        31        103 06-NOV-98                                                 
        31        104 12-NOV-98                                                 
        64        101 05-SEP-98                                                 
        64        102 08-SEP-98                                                 
        74        103 08-SEP-98                                                 
10 rows selected.

SQL> select * from boats;

       BID BNAME                COLOR                                           
---------- -------------------- --------------------                            
       101 Interlake            blue                                            
       102 Interlake            red                                             
       103 Clipper              green                                           
       104 Marine               red        

SQL Queries On Sailors Schema

1. If boat Number is 103.Then find the names of sailors?

select s.sname
from sailors s,reserves r
where s.sid=r.sid and r.bid=103;



2. Find the names of sailors who have never reserved boat number 103.

The SQL IN condition (sometimes called the IN operator) allows you to easily check whether any value in a value list Matches an expression. It is used in a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement to help reduce the need for multiple OR conditions.

The SQL NOT IN condition (sometimes called the IN operator) allows you to easily check whether any value in a value list NOT Matches an expression. It is used in a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement to help reduce the need for multiple OR conditions.

select s.sname
from sailors s
where s.sid not in (select r.sid
from reserves r
where r.bid=103);

7 rows selected.

3. Red boats are reserved, Find the names of Sailors?

select sname
from sailors s,boats b,reserves r
where s.sid=r.sid and b.bid=r.bid and b.color='red';


4. What is the color of the boat reversed by Lubber?

select b.color
from boats b,sailors s,reserves r
where s.sid=r.sid and b.bid=r.bid and s.sname='Lubber';


5. Find the names of sailors who have reserved both a red and a green boat?

The SQL INTERSECT operator is used to return 2 or more SELECT statements. It only returns the rows selected from all queries or data sets, though. If a record occurs in one question and not in the other, the INTERSECT results will omit the record.

SQL> select s.sid,s.sname
  2  from sailors s,boats b,reserves r
  3  where s.sid=r.sid and b.bid=r.bid and b.color='red'
  5  select s.sid,s.sname
  6  from sailors s,boats b,reserves r
  7  where s.sid=r.sid and b.bid=r.bid and b.color='green';

       SID SNAME                                                                
---------- --------------------                                                 
        22 Dustin                                                               
        31 Lubber  

6. Find the names of sailors who have reserved a red but not a green boat?

The SQL MINUS operator is used to return all the rows that are not returned by the second SELECT statement in the first SELECT statement. Each SELECT declaration describes a dataset. The MINUS operator must extract all records from the first dataset, and then delete all records from the second dataset from the test.

Oracle does not have EXCEPT but use keyword MINUS.
select s.sid,s.sname
from sailors s,boats b,reserves r
where s.sid=r.sid and b.bid=r.bid and b.color='red'
select s.sid,s.sname
from sailors s,boats b,reserves r
where s.sid=r.sid and b.bid=r.bid and b.color='green';

       SID SNAME                                                                
---------- --------------------                                                 
        64 Horataio    

7. Find the sids of sailors with age over 20 who have not reserved a red boat.

select s.sid,s.sname
from sailors s,boats b,reserves r
where s.sid=r.sid and b.bid=r.bid and s.age>20 and b.color!='red';

       SID SNAME                                                                
---------- --------------------                                                 
        22 Dustin                                                               
        22 Dustin                                                               
        31 Lubber                                                               
        64 Horataio                                                             
        74 orataio    

8. Find the names of sailors who have reserved at least two different boats.

select s.sid,s.sname
from sailors s
where s.sid in (select s.sid
from sailors s,boats b,reserves r
where s.sid=r.sid and b.bid=r.bid
group by s.sid
having COUNT(b.bid)>1);

       SID SNAME                                                                
---------- --------------------                                                 
        22 Dustin                                                               
        31 Lubber                                                               
        64 Horataio   

9. Write an SQL Query to find the sailors who reserved all the boats?

select s.sid,s.sname
from sailors s
where not exists (select b.bid
from boats b
where not exists (select r.bid
from reserves r
where r.bid=b.bid and r.sid=s.sid));

       SID SNAME                                                                
---------- --------------------                                                 
        22 Dustin                                                               

10. Write a SQL Query to Find the ages of Sailors whose name begins and end with b and have at least three characters?

select s.sid,s.age
from sailors s
where s.sname like 'B_%b';

       SID        AGE                                                           
---------- ----------                                                           
        95       63.5                                                           

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