SQL Queries on Sailors and Boat Schema | 100+ Queries

31. Display boat names and the names of the oldest sailor who has sailed on each boat:

SELECT b.bname, MAX(s.age) AS oldest_age
FROM Boats b
INNER JOIN Sailors s ON b.bid = s.sid
GROUP BY b.bname;

32. List sailors who have sailed on boats shorter than the average boat length and have a rating above 5:

SELECT s.sname
FROM Sailors s
INNER JOIN Boats b ON s.sid = b.bid
WHERE b.length < (SELECT AVG(length) FROM Boats)
AND s.rating > 5;

33. Retrieve sailors whose age is equal to their rating:

SELECT sname
FROM Sailors
WHERE age = rating;

34. Find the boat names that have been sailed on by sailors under the age of 25:

FROM Boats b
INNER JOIN Sailors s ON b.bid = s.sid
WHERE s.age < 25;

35. List sailors who have sailed on boats with a color different from their own:

SELECT s.sname
FROM Sailors s
INNER JOIN Boats b ON s.sid = b.bid
WHERE s.color <> b.color;

36. Display the names of sailors who have the highest rating within their age group:

SELECT s.sname
FROM Sailors s
WHERE rating = (
    SELECT MAX(rating)
    FROM Sailors
    WHERE age = s.age

37. Retrieve boat names and the count of sailors for each boat, excluding those with no sailors:

SELECT b.bname, COUNT(s.sid) AS sailor_count
FROM Boats b
INNER JOIN Sailors s ON b.bid = s.sid
GROUP BY b.bname
HAVING COUNT(s.sid) > 0;

38. List sailors who have sailed on both green and blue boats:

SELECT s.sname
FROM Sailors s
    WHERE (s.sid = b.bid AND b.color = 'green')
        SELECT NULL FROM Boats bb
        WHERE (s.sid = bb.bid AND bb.color = 'blue')

39. Find sailors who have sailed on the longest boat:

SELECT s.sname
FROM Sailors s
INNER JOIN Boats b ON s.sid = b.bid
WHERE b.length = (SELECT MAX(length) FROM Boats);

40. Display boat names and the number of sailors whose rating is above the boat’s length:

SELECT b.bname, COUNT(s.sid) AS sailor_count
FROM Boats b
LEFT JOIN Sailors s ON b.bid = s.sid
WHERE s.rating > b.length
GROUP BY b.bname;

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