Shapoorji Pallonji Interview Experience and Placement Procedure

Shapoorji Pallonji Interview Experience

Shapoorji Pallonji Interview Experience and Placement Procedure | Overview

  • Aptitude Test
    • Aptitude Test and Civil Engineering Related Questions
  • Interview
    • Technical + Hr Combined.

Shapoorji Pallonji Interview Experience and Placement Procedure | Aptitude Test

In Aptitude Test Question were on General Aptitude Test and Question related to Civil Engineering Concepts.

For Aptitude Preparation, I will suggest you RS Agrawal will be sufficient and for Civil Engineering Question just brief out what you have learned in your Engineering days.

Some Important Link to Study

Shapoorji Pallonji Interview Experience

There was only 1 round, which is a combination of both technical and HR round. You must prepare all the important Civil Engineering subjects because they will ask you tricky questions so your concepts should be clear.

Some Important Link To Study

Some HR Question:

  • Tell me about Yourself?
  • Why Shapoorji Pallonji?
  • Any Offers?
  • Tell me about Your Family background?
  • Any achievements?
  • Tell me something about your downfall in Your life and how you overcome it?
  • Are you ready to relocate?

Prepare Your Resume thoroughly, Please don’t write something that you not know in your resume.


This year 2 companies came to offer placements for students of civil engineering department.

These 2 companies usually come every year seeking young talents to work for their companies

The first company which came this year was Shapoorji Pallonji one of the most anticipated and most desirable companies for students of the civil engineering department.

The interview process was very straight forward having 2 rounds, 1st objective type aptitude test.

And 2nd round was an interview but here’s a twist, In order to give the interviews one must have the CGPA qualifying the company requirement this year the CGPA was set to 8 pointers.

And unfortunately, all the students having CGPA below 8 pointers can’t appear for the interview process.

Event Though if They Qualified Aptitude Test, They are not eligible for Interview.

Now talking about the 1st round of This Drive, which was an objective aptitude test, the question paper had mixed questions on general and civil aptitude, based on one’s IQ and knowledge on civil engineering. And difficulty Level was Moderdate To Difficult

Now 2nd round is the interview and there were no separate interviews for HR and Technical they combine them both in one.

Also be very cautious on what you tell the panel abut yourself because the interview panelists for Shapoorji Pallonji will be the sweetest persons you will ever meet and you are very likely to fall in there trap.

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