Infosys Verbal Ability Questions With Answer.

Infosys Verbal Ability Questions With Answer.

Below are some sentences which should replace the phrase printed in bold type to make the grammatically correct? If the given sentence is correct then mark ‘E’ as your answer.

Infosys Verbal Ability Questions

1. You won’t need not come unless you want to.

  • A. You come only when you want to
  • B. You come unless you don’t want to
  • C. You do not need to come unless you want to
  • D. You need not come until you do not want to
  • E. No correction required

Answer C

2. They were all shocked by his failure in the drawing competition.

  • A. were shocked at all
  • B. had all shocked at
  • C. had all shocked by
  • D. had been all shocked on
  • E. No correction required

Answer E

3. Despite of their differences on matters of rules and regulations, they all agree on the demand to hike his salary?

  • A. Despite their
  • B. Despite of the
  • C. Despite for their
  • D. Despite off their
  • E. No correction required

Answer A

4. He is a batsman of repute, but his yesterday’s performance was quite disappointing.

  • A. performances of yesterday were
  • B. yesterday performance was
  • C. Yesterday performance were
  • D. performances about yesterday were
  • E. No correction required

Answer E

5. The crime has growth rapidly in Kashmir since 1987.

  • A.rapid crime has grown
  • B.crime has grown rapidly
  • C. crimes grow rapidly
  • D.crimes have been rapidly grown
  • E.No correction required

Answer B

6. My mind and hairs stood off ends when I saw the horrible sight.

  • A.Stood at ends
  • B.Stood on ends
  • C.Stood to ends
  • D.Stands on ends
  • E.No correction

Answer B

7. The trees are dying; it must not had rained.

  • A.must had not
  • B.must not be
  • C.must not have
  • D.must not have been
  • E.No correction required

Answer C

8. My father stood quietly for few moments

  • A.for few time
  • B.for the few moments
  • C.for moments
  • D.for a few moments
  • E.No correction required

Answer D

Directions (Questions 9-11): Pick out the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence look meaningfully.

9. Catching the earlier train or bus will give us the ……… to do some adventures.

  • A. Chance
  • B. Luck
  • C. Possibility
  • D. Occasion

Answer A

10. Many of the Modernization has been conceived by youngsters just on the …… of their adulthood

  • A.boundary
  • B.threshold
  • C.peak
  • D.horizon

Answer B

11. If I take a National roadways Transport. I’ll get late…?

  • A. isn’t it
  • B. won’t I
  • C. will I
  • D Would I

Answer B

12 Hundreds of people have been drawn to this anti-national activity because of the huge profits involved in smuggling. Many of them became instant millionaires. India has vast Eastern and Western coastlines. It has been a haven for smugglers who carried out their operations with great impunity. There is no doubt that the enforcement authorities made certain seizures from time to time during raids and ambush, but the smugglers made huge profits even allowing these losses.

  • The passage best supports the statement that
  • A. Smuggling degrades the economic and financial development of a nation.
  • B. Smuggling ought to be curbed.
  • C. Higher Authorities are taking strict and Hard measures to Eliminate smuggling.
  • D. Smuggling is growing fast in our country thus owing to the quick profit it entails.

Answer D

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